Monday, October 20, 2008

So I got this paper due on Wednesday. We're researching scholarly journalism articles. My subject is: The Growth/Populaity of New Artists through Blogs. Obvliously, this will have to be tewaked b/c that's so specific and I'd have to write that article before i find one about it.
*Also, I have to write a 200 word essay in Espanol about how my ancestors immigrated to the U.S., why they did, and how they liked it. Umm...the concept of this essay is coo. "Yay, history!" but the fact that I'm descended from slavery is really fucked up, and its funny that I have to write this essay. I dunno. Love Spanish tho.

Back to the subject of spreading the word about new artists...Here's my newest Imeem creation. I call it Indie Label.

Indie Title

"Ro, Ro, Ra, Ra, Roger! Do you hear me, over?!" Frickin' Loooove...that Tic Toc track. MGMT got a nice little song in Kids. I see it becoming popular, It'll be in a skittles commercial soon enuff! Thanks Andy. I hated that song the first two times i heard it, but for some reason, it's special to me.
And I still love rap's The Billion Dollar Bailout

The Billion Dollar Bailout